Monday, January 10, 2011

Ontario -- Bill Grays and back with the Chicks.... (lost in Webster)

View Webster 01-09-2011 in a larger map

Members: Firtherr, P-Dawg, Scottie, Falcon
Guests: Sharon, Pam, Mary Fran, Kathy

Ride: Blue Heron to Tap Room (Bill Grays) and Back

-Gassed up and Mobile and headed up to Bill Grays
-In spots there was plenty of Snow.. in other it was thin... crossing corn fields going perpendicular to the corn rows was not enjoyable.
-There were a few water holes, nothing too bad, all passable.
(Editors note: I particularly enjoyed watching the girls cross water, they did a great job and have been coached well "Hit it when you cross the water")
-Lost in Webster... Headed up S43, but the trail old trail to Webster was closed. This caused quite a bit of confusion and dismay.
-Found new trail and headed north... Very enjoyable and no more road banging
-Made it to Bill Grays, Had some eats and a few pops.

-Polled the Girls at the bar with a few helmet talk questions:
?Will the girls ever take a solo ride? unanimous NO
?If you rode solo, who would lead? unanimous Kathy
?Who would get the Nappi award (fastest rider)? Mary Fran 2, Kathy 2
?Who would fix the sleds in the event of a break down? Sharon 3, Pam 1

-Headed back to Blue Heron, Sharon texted her rowing friend at Blue Heron that we were coming and keep the bar open...
-The Polaris Oil light turned on... Ran a little low... fortunately we had enough to get home YIKES
-Big Johns Tail Light is out... No break light or running light...
-Ride back was much faster as the girls were relaxed after the courage juice.
-Loaded the Sleds and had a few at Blue Heron

Stats (from Droid Tracking)
-Mileage 32.03
-Avg. Speed 16mph
-Max Speed 45mph


  1. I think Pam hit a top speed of 83MPH on the speedo but the sled was only at 4MPH. Good thing no one was behind her at the time as the corn was flying out of the back of the 440 like.....

  2. Great day. Thoroughly enjoyed the second leg after my courage juice! Yes will work on hitting it hard when crossing water and learning how to LEAN into the turns!
